Monday, March 3, 2014

The First Agreement

My submission for Open Link Monday is The First Agreement! For those who don't know, The Four Agreements is a book about personal freedom. It follows Toltec teachings for living a peaceful and mindful life. I would highly recommend checking it out. 

The First Agreement

We all have the ability
To cast a magic spell

This spell can send a person
To heaven or hell

Figuratively, of course
But hell is hell

A mental state; that perpetuates
These evil forces

Bringing you down in such a way
You can’t help but enforce it

This magic, this force
We all wield

It is the word

Now the word isn’t simply a symbol
Or sound

Regardless of language
This power is around

Spreading black magic
With the gossip we speak

But there is an alternative
That one can seek

It is impeccability of the word
Speaking like no one has ever heard

But to control this power
One must prepare

Remember the word is God
So handle with care

© 2014 Sean LaSalvia/Poetic Clarity


  1. This captures the power of a word very well. They have the ability to lift one up, or ravish one with pain. They must be used with care. Intriguing poem!

  2. If we could handle words with care this Earth would have been much power has Word..wonderful lines...
